
完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)        When she was seven, we found out that Jenny had a few problems. Several ___36___ and many speech classes later, we found out that besides hearing, she also had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(幼儿类风湿性关节炎).        She could not put ___37___ on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe and when the pain became unbearable, I carried her.        All ___38___ grade school, and on into high school, Jenny suffered, yet never complained. She ___39___ a smile on her face, a song on her lips, an(2分)在测量大气压的实验中,为消除活塞与针筒间的摩擦力对实验的影响,某同学采用了图示装置,将注射器筒固定在水平桌面上,把活塞推至注射器筒底端,用橡皮帽封住注射器的小孔,活塞通过水平细线与烧杯相连,向烧杯中缓慢加水,当活塞刚开始向左滑动时,测得杯中水的质量为880g;然后向外缓慢抽水,当活塞刚开始向右滑动时,测得杯中水的质量为460g,烧杯质量为100g,活塞面积为7×10﹣5m2,g=10N/kg轮轴间的摩擦和细线重不计,则所测大气压的值应为( )A. 1.26×105Pa B. 1.10×105Pa C. 1.01×105Pa D. 0.96×105Pa 
英语 试题推荐