
Personal transportation in America is mostly by car. Most families have two cars, one for the husband and the other for the wife. Usually they also have a double garage. But in large cities, many people take a bus or a subway to work. If they drive their cars, they may have to pay a high fee for parking the car in the city. In a few cities, some workers come by train. To travel from city to city, most Americans use the plane unless the distance is very short. The plane is very quick because they don’t want to spend too much time traveling when they work. Some cities located near the w34、19世纪中期,在西方殖民势力的冲击下,中国、日本相继走上改革之路.两国改革有相似之处,但结果却大相径庭,对两国的发展产生了深远影响。结合所学知识,回答问题。 (1)依据两国国情,简要说明两国改革的背景有何相同之处? (2)试从领导力量和改革内容两方面,简要概括明治维新和戊戌变法一成一败的主要原因。 (3)你认为这两次改革对中日两国的近代化进程产生的相同影响是什么?
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