
(2013唐山一中检测)粗细均匀的电阻丝围成图所示的线框,置于正方形有界匀强磁场中,磁感强度为B,方向垂直于线框平面,图中ab=bc=2cd=2de=2ef=2fa=2L。现使线框以同样大小的速度v匀速沿四个不同方向平动进入磁场,并且速度方向始终与线框先进入磁场的那条边垂直,则在通过如图所示位置时,下列说法中正确的是 A.ab两点间的电势差图①中最大        B.ab两点间的电势差图②中最大 C.回路电流图③中最大                   D.回路电 第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项多余选项. (共5小题,每小题1分,分) W: How did you like the English Evening organized by the first-year students? M: ___61__. I thought some of the items were wonderful. W: ___62_. M: Well, the group singing was good, and the storytelling was also interesting. And I especially liked the poem recited by the girl with long pigtails. ___63___. W: How about the play on by Class Six? ___64___.Their intonation was a bit faulty here and there, but the acting was good. They certainly did an excellent job. M: ___65__.And they wrote the play themselves, you know. A: I thought it quite a success. B: I don’t think so. C: Very much indeed. D: I agree with you. E: She’s got such good pronunciation. F: Which did you like best? G: Very disappointing.
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