
额定功率为80KW的汽车,在平直公路上行驶的最大速度为20,汽车的质量为2吨,如果汽车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,加速度大小是2,运动过程中阻力不变,则下列说法正确的是:     A.汽车受到的阻力为N                      B.3末汽车的瞬时功率为48KW     C.汽车匀加速阶段达到的最大速度为10        D.汽车维持匀加速运动的时间为4s根据汉语完成句子。(请将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。)小题1:古代中国各诸侯国之间经常发生战争。Ancient China was a place ____________ states were often __________  ___________  _________  each other.小题2:居民醒来时,看到昏黄的天空,狂风夹着黄沙在城里肆虐。Citizens __________  ___________  __________ an orange sky and strong winds that __________ the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust.小题3:它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。They can destroy houses, but _________ the furniture inside exactly _________ _________ ________.小题4:因“沙漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。Sandstorms in China __________  __________ ___________ __________ in recent years as a result of “desertification”.小题5:龙卷风能卷起汽车、火车、甚至房子,把它们卷到旁边的街道----甚至能卷到邻近的城镇。Tornadoes can __________  _________ cars, trains and even houses and __________ them ________ in the next street ---or even in the next town.
物理 试题推荐