
The old woman is sitting_____________ her daughter. A. near to     B. next     C. next to      D. next by 答案:C 解析:  next to意为“挨着……”。next不是介词,B可排除;如填A项,则to应去掉,因为Heal本身就是个介词;D为错误表达方式。(根据汉语提示,完成后面短文) 妈妈: 请您把下面的东西给我带到学校来。我需要我的棒球,数学书,笔记本和帽子。棒球在床下的地面上,数学书在闹钟旁边,帽子在床上,笔记本在抽屉里。 汤姆 Dear mum, Can you bring these things (1)    (2) ? I need my baseball, my math book, my notebook and my hat. My baseball is (3) the bed. My (4)    (5) is next to the alarm clock. My (6) is on the (7) and my notebook is (8)    (9) (10) . Tom
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