
Ever wondered why some businesses fail and others seem to go from strength to strength(越来越兴旺发达)? One of the major reasons for success or failure in any business is the choice of location. The ABS can be of great help in choosing the most likely place to set up your business. Whether it’s simple or a complex business. Case study one A Sydney doctor specializing pediatrics(小儿科) was hoping to set up a practice outside the metropolitan area, probably on the northern coast of New South Wales. He was unsure of the best place in this region and came to the ABS for help. The 下列关于资产阶级代议制的叙述,不正确的是 [  ] A. 是一种间接民主的形式 B. 议会在形式上代表民意行使国家权力 C. 议会具有至高无上的权力 D. 议会拥有立法权
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