
C Why are so many coin banks shaped like pigs? Why not dogs or cats or elephants? Coin banks weren't always made to look like pigs. In fact, the name piggy bank may have come from a kind of clay and not from the animal at all. The history of the piggy bank goes back to the Middle ages. At that time in Western Europe, metals were expensive, so a cheap orange clay known as pygg was used for everyday items such as dishes and jars. In fact something made from pygg clay was often just called a pygg. The first piggy bank may well have been a pygg in which a person put a few extra pennies to buy a tr下列植物的各种运动属于感性运动的是_________,属于向性运动的是__________。 [     ]A.由于植物的叶片具有向光性,使叶片与光源垂直,形成“叶镶嵌”B.捕虫草的叶子受到小虫碰撞时,立即合闭起来,将小虫“捉”住C.昆虫触动矢车菊的花丝时,花丝迅速向柱头靠拢,有利于传粉D.盆栽植物的一半浇水,另一半不浇水,一段时间后其根系大多向浇水侧伸展于传粉
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