
Watching online open classes of US top universities has become necessary for many young Chinese who find it a shortcut to make their life more meaningful, in addition to learning knowledge and language. Guo Lei, a native of Guangzhou, has become addicted to various open courses after she watched the online video of Justice: What's the right thing to do.The video clip was taken during an open class taught by Michael Sandel, professor of philosophy at Harvard University. Sandel set up a situation in which a high-speed train with a technical problem is running towards five people who are working 5.如图所示,在光滑的水平面上放着一质量为M=4.0kg带弧形槽的木板,AB部分是长度为L=1m的粗糙轨道,BC部分是足够高的光滑弧形槽,BC弧与水平部分AB在B点相切,现有一质量m=2.0kg的物块以初速度v0=5.0m/s从木板左端滑上,已知物块和木板间的摩擦因数μ=0.7,g取10m/s2,求:(Ⅰ)物块从A第一次滑到B时的速度大小;(Ⅱ)物块滑上弧形槽的最大高度h;(Ⅲ)最终物块距B点的距离.
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