
阅读理解: Our village carpenter (木匠) , John, came one day and made a dining table for my wife.He made it just the right size for the space between the two windows.When I got home that evening, John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for the job.     My wife said to me quietly,“That’s his ninth cup of tea today.”But she said, in a loud voice,“It’s a beautiful table, dear, isn’t it?”     “I’ll decide about that when I see the bill.”I said.     John laughed and gave me his bill for the work.I read:     One dining table  下列文学常识说法正确的一项是: [  ] A.乔治·桑,法国女作家,主要作品有《康苏爱萝》《安吉堡的磨工》等。 B.雨果,法国作家,有代表作《巴黎圣母院》《悲惨世界》等。 C.列夫·托尔斯泰,是19世纪中叶俄国最伟大的文学家,也是世界文学史上最杰出的作家之一。 D.狄更斯,美国作家,代表作有《双城记》《大卫·科波菲尔》等。
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