
读等高线图,回答1、2题。 1.关于四个村庄所处地形区的名称正确的是(   ) A.王村地处山谷       B.张村地处山脊 C.余村地处山谷       D.李村地处山顶 2.王村与大王山实际水平距离为(   ) A.3 km     B.8 km     C.80 km     D.10 km   答案:1C,2B第1题,王村和张村位于山坡上,余村位于山谷,李村位于鞍部。第2题,王村与大王山图上距离相隔约4 cm,则实际距离为8 km。   On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Green and his child, Mary are in a big store.Mr. Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new skirt for her.But Mary doesn't like the skirt.She likes something to eat.So her father buys some apples for her.Mary also wants to buy some picture books and pencils.There are many things and people in the store.The people are very happy. 1.Mary and ______ are in the store. A.her father                 B.her mother                   C.her brother 2.It is______. A.Monday                 B.Sunday                          C.Saturday 3.Mary doesn’t like________ A.apples                   B.skirt                          C.picture books 4.In the store there are_______ A.many things              B.many people               C.A and B 5.The people are_______ A.interesting                B.boring                      C.happy
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