
The question of what children learn, and how they should learn, is continually being debated and redebated. Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system, the learning of lessons parrot-fashion, the grammar-with-a-whip system, which was good enough for our grandparents. The theories of modem psychology have stepped in to argue that we must understand the need of children. Children are not just small adults; they are children who must be respected as much. Well, you may say, this is as it should be, a good idea. But think further. What happens? Education becomes the responsibility not of tea已知,椭圆C以双曲线x2-y23=1的焦点为顶点,以双曲线的顶点为焦点.(1)求椭圆C的方程;(2)若直线l:y=kx+m与椭圆C相交于M、N两点(M、N不是左右顶点),且以线段MN为直径的圆过点A(2,0),求证:直线l过定点,并求出该定点的坐标.
英语 试题推荐