
C I chose to study in Madrid because I had a desire to learn Spanish. My first impressions of Madrid were incredible. It was before the New Year that I arrived in Madrid for the first time. While traveling to my Spanish friend’s house in a taxi, I appreciated the buildings along the road which were different from those of my own country.    There are an incredible number of restaurants and bars from all over the world. If you are really into sightseeing, I hope you have rechargeable batteries for your digital camera, because one week really isn’t enough time to see everything here inclu阅读下面这首诗,完成下列小题。 南乡子·邢州道上作陈维崧秋色冷并刀,一派酸风①卷怒涛。并马三河年少客,粗豪,皂栎林中醉射雕。残酒忆荆高,燕赵悲歌事未消。忆昨车声寒易水,今朝,慷慨还过豫让桥②。(注)①酸风:吹得人眼睛酸疼的冷风。②豫让桥:春秋时义士豫让隐身伏击赵襄子之地。【1】首句写景,作者描绘的是什么景色?与词的内容有何关系? 【2】有人说“忆昨车声寒易水”一句是本篇的词眼,你认为呢?
英语 试题推荐