
16.在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字。 当今的人们对过度医疗的危害已有相当的认识,_____①______。其实,我们感受强烈的考研热、高考热、补课热、择校热等现象,在一定程度上便是过度教育惹的祸。过度教育不仅会使受教育者的兴趣、自信、潜能以及亲子关系等受到损害,还会在各层次受教育者间递次产生挤兑效应:______②_____,低学历者不得不从事更低端工作甚至失业。 完形填空   All over the world people swim for fun.Swimming is enjoyed by people of   1   ages, from the very young to the very old.There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools.Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools.Some people have pools of   2   in their yards.   Swimming is one of   3   forms of exercise.It can   4   hearts and bodies strong.It can also help blood circulate(循环).Handicapped(残疾的)people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming   5   they can't enjoy sports.     6   is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做到)that their children learn to swim   7   an early age.So their children will   8   it for the rest of their lives.   There are many rules for water safety.These rules can help save not only your life   9   the life of a friend.First of all, know   10  .Many schools   11   swimming lessons to children.Adults(成人)can learn to swim at public pools.  12   rule to remember is never to swim   13  .Always swim with a friend and know   14   in the water at all times.It is best to swim   15   in safe places if you are beginners.If every one learned to swim and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing(溺水)could be avoided. (1) [  ] A. all B. any C. some D. both (2) [  ] A. them B. their own C. theirs own D. their own's (3) [  ] A. good B. better C. best D. the best (4) [  ] A. help B. let C. make D. show (5) [  ] A. though B. as C. so D. until (6) [  ] A. That B. There C. This D. It (7) [  ] A. over B. during C. at D. on (8) [  ] A. learn B. enjoy C. stop D. know (9) [  ] A. and aim B. still C. and yet D. but also (10) [  ] A. how to swim B. why swimming C. how swimming D. why to swim (11) [  ] A. have B. take C. give D. make (12) [  ] A. The other one B. Other C. Others D. Another (13) [  ] A. alone B. yourself C. lonely D. together (14) [  ] A. what person is B. where that person is C. who is that person D. where is that person (15) [  ] A. nearly B. hardly C. almost D. only
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