
Most children are now working longer hours than their parents with some slaving for over 46 hours a week, according to a new survey. The research shows that parents are creating crazy schedules for their children with after school activities in addition to school tasks.This means children are actually working harder than the average parents who only work for 37.5 hours a week. The average child already completes 30 hours and 50 minutes a week at school from Monday to Friday,as well as seven hours and 51 minutes of clubs and homework.Actively reading with parents daily takes a further f 英国著名经济学家K·E·博尔丁把对自然界进行掠夺,破坏式开发利用的经济模式称为“牧童经济”,下列现象不是由“牧童经济”模式造成的是(   ) A.沙尘暴频发     B.火山爆发     C.温室效应加剧    D.湿地内物种减少
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