
完形填空Once upon a time, there was 1 old farmer. He loved money very much. He kept a lot of gold coins but 2 used them, and he 3 not give them to others. He put them into a 4 and put it in the ground. He came to the 5 every day to look at it. This made him happy.6 , when he came to the place, he could not find the 7 . He became very sad. He began to cry, 8 a man came to him and said, “Don’t cry! Put a stone in the ground instead, and 9 it is a box of gold coins. A stone will be just the same, because when the coins were there, you never used 10 . ” 1. A. a          8.小敏在实验室测量金属块的密度,进行了如下实验:(1)将天平放在水平台面上,把游标移到标尺的零刻线处.横梁静止时,指针指在分度盘中央刻度线的右侧,如图甲所示.为使横梁在水平位置平衡,应将横梁右端的平衡螺母向左端调节(选填“左”或“右”).(2)天平平衡后,右盘中所放砝码在标尺上的位置如图乙所示,则金属块的质量为54g.(3)然后,小敏将金属块用细线系好放进盛有40mL水的量筒中,量筒中的水面升高到如图丙所示的位置,则金属块的体积为2.7cm3.该金属块的密度与表中金属铝的密度相同. 物质名称 密度ρ/kg•10-3 银 1.05×103 铜 8.9×103 铁 7.9×103 铝 2.7×103
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