
Have you ever spoken or acted before the public? Have you got stage fright(怯场)? Many people have such an experience but they feel differently about it. Some are just a little nervous, others become dizzy(眩晕的). It is hard to tell why these feelings happen. Anyway, stage fright is a common problem and you can overcome (克服)it. To overcome stage fright you need to do lots of work. It takes time. But it will pay off in the end. The first step is facing the fact to have stage fright. Then what ? Here are some steps towards a speaking success story.   Soon you have 10.某工厂的工业废水中含有大量的FeSO4、较多的Cu2+和少量的Na+.为了减少污染并变废为宝,工厂计划从该废水中回收硫酸亚铁和金属铜.请根据流程图,在方框和括号内填写物质名称(或主要成分的化学式)或操作方法,完成回收硫酸亚铁和铜的简单实方案.
英语 试题推荐