
When someone says Well, I guess I'll have to go to face the music, it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this or that, and why you did not do this or that. Sour music, indeed, but it has to be faced.    The phrase to face the music is familiar to every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. Where did the expression come from?    The first information comes from the American writer James Fenimore Cooper. He said -- in 1851-- that the expression was first used by actors w关于欧洲西部旅游景点的说法,正确的是(  )A.英国的峡湾风光引人入胜B.伦敦的艾菲尔铁塔令人景仰C.南部地中海沿岸国家的海滨沙滩优美宜人D.芬兰的花卉尤其是郁金香闻名世界
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