
1. 详细信息


I’ll go to the zoo if it ______ tomorrow. I don’t like the rainy day                             

       Awon’t rain      Bdoesn’t rain     C.will rain             Drain

2. 详细信息

The bus stop is _______ the TV station.                                                                      

       Ain the front of     Bin the front         Cin front of         Din front

3. 详细信息

He lives _______, but he never feels __________.                                                      

       Aalone, lonely        Blonely, alone         Calone, alone         Dlonely, lonely

4. 详细信息

While I was cleaning my room, my aunt ________.                                                    

Areached               Bgot                    Carrived            Dgot out

5. 详细信息

What _______ you ______ at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?                                 

       Awas, doing       Bare, doing           Cis, doing         Dwere, doing 

6. 详细信息

I wasn’t invited. Everyone else _____ invited ______ me.                                            

   Awas, except         Bwas, besides        C.were, except         Dwere, besides

7. 详细信息

The teacher said that she wrote ______ .                                                                   

       Acareful enough     Bcarefully enough Cenough careful     Denough carefully

8. 详细信息

The World Trade Center in New York _______ by terrorists.                                       

       Awas destroying  Bdestroyed       Cwas destroyed   Dhas destroyed

9. 详细信息

I’m mad ______ Marcia. I’m not going to her house ____ Friday night.                        

       Awith, in           Bfor, in                  Cat, on                  Dof, at

10. 详细信息

 “Not both the boys are lazy” means “ _____ this boy _____ that one is lazy.                

       ANeither, nor        BEither, or            CBoth, and            DNot only, but also

11. 详细信息

He told me he _______ me the next day.                                                                  

       Ais going to call     Bcan call             Cwould call        Dwill call

12. 详细信息

Lana said she ______ angry with Marcia anymore.                                                     

       Awas                  Bis                       Cisn’t                   Dwasn’t        

13. 详细信息

I’m better____ than________ .                                                                                 

       Ain speaking, listening                         Bat speaking, listening

       Cto speak, listen                                Dat speaking, listen

14. 详细信息

Do you want me to pass on ____________?                                                             

       Asome message                                  Bsome information 

       Cany messages                                    Dany informations

15. 详细信息

He didn’t know what was ______  outside.                                                              

       Ahappen             Bhappened        Chappening         Dhappens

16. 详细信息

It’s not right _______ others’ homework.                                                                  

   Afor you copy       Bfor you to copy   Cof you to copy     Dof you copying

17. 详细信息

Could you please give me ________?                                                                         

        Aany advice        Ban advice             Csome advice        Dsome advices

18. 详细信息

Robots will help _____ the most unpleasant jobs.                               

       Awith do              Bdo                       Cdoing                  Ddoes

19. 详细信息

A robot _______ do the same things as a person.                               

       Awon’t can        Bwon’t able to       Cwon’t be able       Dwon’t be able to

20. 详细信息

Many people remember what _______ doing _____ October 15, 2003. 

      Awere they, on       Bthey were, in        Cthey were, on      Dwere they, on

21. 详细信息


Dear Grandma, 

  How’s it going? I hope that grandpa is 1 now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good 2

  Everything is fine here. I finished 3 my end-of- year exams last week and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but 4 I did OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn’t 5 to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, 6 isn’t true. It’s just that I find science really 7 8 disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I 9 do better. The good news 10 that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was gooDWell, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.

Love: Alan

1Agood          Bsick   Cill                Dwell                     

2Ahealth              Bhealthy        Chealthier             Dhealthiest              

3Ato take       Btaking  Ctook      Dtake                     

4Aluck           Blucky     Cluckily         Dunluckily              

5Asurprise         Bsurprising    Csurprised        Dsurprises              

6Athat             Bwhich      Cwho       Dwhere                  

7Aeasy              Bimportant     Cdifferent    Ddifficult                

8AOther               BOthers          CAnother            DThe others           

9Aam able to    Bcan        Cwill be able to     Dcould                  

10Ais                  Bare                Cwere           Dam                     

22. 详细信息


Linda loves her dog Davy. They went to New York City last Saturday. While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and ran away. The station was crowded  and Linda couldn’t see Davy anywhere. When Linda shouted his name, some people around her looked at her but Davy didn’t come. Then she called the police. While she was talking on the phone, Davy met another dog outside the station. While the police were coming, Linda walked around the station and called Day’s name. She didn’t think about looking outside the station. Finally, a little boy said to her, “Did you look outside? I saw a big black dog when I came in.” When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with another dog. There was a police officer next to them. The police officer said to Linda, “I think my dog found your dog.”

1What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?  ______                                         

       AShe was talking on the phone.             BShe was calling the police.

       CShe was buying a newspaper.               DShe was talking with friend.

2Why couldn’t Linda see Davy anywhere?  Because _________.   

       Ashe was busy reading.                     Bthe station was big

       Cthe dog got out of the box                 Dthe station was crowded

3Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him? ________                                

       AInside the station                              BOutside the station

       CIn the box                                         DAround the station

4Who asked her if she looked outside?  _________                                                

       AA little boy.                                         BA policeman.       

       CThe people around her.                        DA police officer.

5What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him?          .

       ADavy was fighting with another dog. 

       BDavy was barking (叫)at a big black dog.

       CDavy was jumping and running with another dog. 

       DDavy was looking for its master(主人)

23. 详细信息

Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house. He could go there and come home by bus or by school bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got home on time, but last Friday he came home late from school when he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting room. When she saw him, she said, “Why are you late today?”

“My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after school, ” Tom answered,

“Because she asked a question in class,” Tom said, “and nobody gave her the answer except  me.”

His mother was angry , “But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then? Why didn’t she send all the other children?” she asked.

“Because her question was ‘Who put glue (胶水) on my chair!”

1How old was Tom?

     A7 years old.     B6 years old.   C5 years old      DWe don’t know.

2Tom always went to school ________.

     Aby bus      Bby school bus  Con foot                  Dby  train

3Last Friday Tom came home _______.

      Alate        Bearly        Con time                     Din time

4The teacher was angry because ________.

    ATom’s mother put glue on her chair     

       BTom put glue on her chair

    CThe other students put glue on her chair 

       DTom’s father put glue on her chair

5The teacher was angry so ________.

    Ashe sent Tom to the headmaster        Bshe sent Tom to his mother

Cshe hit(打) Tom                             Dshe sent Tom to the police

24. 详细信息


       A: Did you get your report card today, Scott? 

       B: _______________1

       A: So, how did you do?

       B: ________________2.

       A: What did your history teacher say ?

       B: ________________3

       A: That’s not so gooDHow about Spanish?

       B: ________________4

       A: That’s excellent. How about science?

       B: ________________5 And she said I was lazy.

       A: Oh, Scott! You’ll have to try harder at science.

AHe said I could do better.    BOh, well, science is very harD CYes, I did.

DI did well in some subjects.  E. Oh, Ms Mendoza said I was good at speaking.

25. 详细信息


1I wasn’t  ___________________ surprise to hear that he failed his math test

2It was said  that Yang Liwei _______________fly around the Earth for about 22 hours.

3The girl was _________________shop when she saw a car accident.

4The teacher asked us __________stop talking when the bell for class rang.

5She said I _____________may borrow her dictionary.

26. 详细信息


1She said ,“I won’t go to the doctor’s. ” (变直接引语为间接引语)

She said that _________ _______________ go to the doctor’s.

2Tom went to bed after he finished his homework.. (变同义句)

Tom _______ go to bed _________ he finished his homework.

3The story happened thirty years ago. (变同义句)

The story ____________ __________ thirty years ago.

4They made Beijing host the 2008 Olympics.(变被动语态)

Beijing _________ made ______ host the2008 Olympics.

5He is good at math .(变同义句)

He does ________ __________ math.

27. 详细信息


Gary 有一个在coffee shop的兼职工作,想离开,计划找一个新工作,你是Ahmet,是他最好的朋友,听到此事感到吃惊,劝他不要放弃在coffee shop的兼职工作,提示语:(提示语必须用完)

1plan to get a new job, leave from , pay sb $7 an hour,

2if , look in the newspaper,  other places  not pay you  more than $7

3the people let you work after school , on weekends

4visit you next weekend, take my advice

5.if you do, stay at the coffee shop

Dear Gary,

I  was surprised to hear that_________________________________________________     ______









