
BEIJING, China (CNN)-- China's economic growth dropped to 9 percent for 2008, according to numbers released by the government Thursday--in line with expectations, but still the slowest rate the nation has seen in seven years. Economists are concerned about what the slowdown means for investment in the future, whether new projects will be undertaken in manufacturing companies and in factories. If not, it will translate into more job losses and erase any optimism about a rebound (反弹) in 2009. Since 2001, China has been used to double-digit growth as consumers buy Chinese goods. However, the 客来小城||||把下面这首诗和《错误》比较,谈谈你的感想。 客来小城 郑愁予 三月临幸这小城, 春的饰物堆缀着…… 悠悠的流水如带: 在石桥下打着结子的,而且 牢系着那旧城楼的倒影的 三月的绿色如流水…… 客来小城,巷闾寂静 客来门下,铜环的轻叩如钟 满天飘飞的云絮与一阶落花…… 1954年
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