
  “Have you put any salt in it?” “Certainly not, ma’am,” answered Marie, amazed by the question. “You told me yourself that I was never to put salt in it.” Upon this, Madame Duparc snatched up the saucepan without saying another word, turned to the cupboard, and stretched out her hand toward one of four salt-cellars which always stood there. Then she sprinkled salt into the saucepan--- or, if not salt something which she took for salt. The hasty-pudding made, Marie poured it from the saucepan into a soup-plate which her mistress held. Madame Duparc herself then took it to之所以说三省体制能保证君权的独尊,主要是因为 (   ) ① 三省合作 ② 三省长官都是宰相 ③三省相互牵制和监督 ④ 三省分工明确A.①②B.②③C.①③D.②④
英语 试题推荐