
Do you want to love what you do for a living? Follow your passion. This piece of advice provides the foundation for modern thinking on career satisfaction. But this can be a problem. I've spent the past several years researching and writing about the different strategies we use to seek happiness in our work. It became clear early in the process that the suggestion to “follow your passion” was flawed (有缺陷), for it lacks scientific evidence. However, it doesn't mean you should abandon the goal of feeling passionate about your work. The reality emphasizes that things are quite co 下列关于单细胞生物的说法错误的是 [  ] A.整个生物体由一个细胞构成 B.都能独立生活 C.能够趋向有利刺激,逃避有害刺激适应环境 D.能完成呼吸、生殖等复杂的生命活动
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