
完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Helen was sure that she would win the photography competition. Ever since she found the notice calling for 1 of sunset in the newspaper,Helen had planned to capture(拍摄)the view from the top of Central Library. After taking the pictures,Helen was 2 that she would win the first prize. Two weeks later,when the winners were announc ed,Helen could not believe it;she did not even place.“What’s the matter with these people?”sh进行过滤操作时,应选用的一组仪器及用品是A.烧杯 酒精灯 试管 铁架台 漏斗  B.滤纸 烧杯 试管夹 漏斗 玻璃棒C.漏斗 玻璃棒 烧杯 铁架台 滤纸  D.滤纸 烧杯 试管夹 试管 铁架台
英语 试题推荐