
It is very normal for people to compare themselves with others. Everyone does it, but it is important to remember that no one is perfect. Other people may look confident, but everyone feels insecure(无自信的) once in a while, even the famous people like Yao Ming. When he was young, he probably felt insecure about being too tall! Other kids in his class probably laughed at him because he was different, although I don’t know if I would have laughed at Yao Ming since he is so much bigger than me! Now, Yao Ming is rich and successful because of his height. When I was young, I had a f下列过程在胚胎移植中没有必要进行的是       (     ) A.对供体、受体要进行选择 B.要用激素对供体进行超数排卵处理 C.供体和受体要进行免疫检查,防止发生免疫排斥反应 D.胚胎移植常用手术法和非手术法两种方法
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