
Sure, we've all heard that we should get more sleep. The realities of life often make it become we should get more sleep later.   36   The result is that you wake up the next day feeling like a role of The Walking Dead. Here are four ways you can adjust your biology in order to pay less for staying up. ● Move around. Exercising before bed is a sure way to keep awake. That's why you shouldn't do it when you want to go to sleep, and it is also why hitting the gym, or even some fast push-ups can tell your body that it's not time for bed.  Being physically exhausted isn't fun when 读沿我国北纬36°纬线所做的地形剖面图,完成下列要求:(共6分)(1)从上图可以看出,我国的地势特点是_______________________。(2)图中位于地势第一级阶梯的主要地形区名称是___________,位于地势第二级阶梯的主要地形区名称是__________,位于地势第三级阶梯的主要地形区名称是__________。(3)我国地势特点对气候的影响是___________________                _____。(2分)
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