
句型转换 1. She used to walk to school.  (改为一般疑问句)    _______she_______ to walk to school? 2. Danny asked Jim if he could swim.  (改为直接引语)    Danny asked, “_______ _______swim, Jim?” 3. Simon said, “I am very busy.”  (改为间接引语)    Simon said that_______ _______very busy. 4. The teacher said to him, “Don’t sleep in class.”  (改为间接引语)    The teacher told him_______ _______ _______in class. 5. His mother is a teacher.  (对画线部分提问)    _______ _______ his mother_______? 我会连线。一位    电扇         绚丽多彩的    裙子一台    先生         一闪一闪的    广告一张    邮票         风光秀丽的    星星一把    小刀         五颜六色的    日月潭
英语 试题推荐