
根据语境,依次填入下面空格内最恰当的一组词语是偌大一张纸,在反复勾勒的(  )墨迹中,只残存下来一个固守的字——“笔”。这种(  )痛苦和抉择的测验,像一个渐渐缩窄的闸孔,将激越的水流凝聚成最后的能量,冲刷着我们纷繁的取向。当那通道变得一夫当关,万夫莫开之时,生命的重中之重,就简洁而挺拔地(  )了。(  )这一过程,让我清晰地得知什么是我生命中的真爱——就是我手中的这枝笔啊。A.斑驳充斥突现感谢B.斑斓根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。【1】He told his parents his ideas about the travelling, and they ____ (同意) with him at last.【2】We are all ____ (反对) spreading other people’s personal information on the Internet.【3】The robber who broke into the bank seemed to be in his ____ (二十).【4】When we left, the kids said goodbye to us ____ (礼貌地).【5】Sandy had no difficulty ____ (爬) up the Great Wall last weekend.
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