
One year our family decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day, as a token of appreciations for all the sacrifices that Mother had made for us. After breakfast we had arranged, as a surprise, to hire a car and take her for a beautiful drive in the country. Mother was rarely able to have a treat like that, because she was busy in the house nearly all the time.     But on the very morning of the day, we changed the plan a little, because it occurred to Father that it would be even better to take Mother fishing. As the car was hired and paid for, we might as well use it t2.工业上可用亚氢酸钠和盐酸为原料制备ClO2,反应如下:5NaClO2+4HCl(稀)═5NaCl+4ClO2↑+2H2O(主反应)NaClO2+4HCl(浓)═NaCl+2Cl2↑+2H2O(副反应)下列说法正确的是(  )A.主反应和副反应的还原剂都是HClB.副反应中氧化剂和还原剂物质的量之比为1:4C.盐酸的还原性与浓度有关,浓度越大还原性越强D.为加快ClO2的生成速率,应选用较大浓度的盐酸
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