
阅读下面文言文,回答小题。   周文育字景德,义兴阳羡人也。少孤贫,本居新安寿昌县,姓项氏,名猛奴。年十一,能反覆游水中数里,跳高六尺,与群儿聚戏,众莫能及。义兴人周荟为寿昌浦口戍主,见而奇之,因召与语。文育对曰:“母老家贫,兄姊并长大,困于赋役。”荟哀之,乃随文育至家,就其母请文育养为己子,母遂与之。及荟秩满,与文育还都,见太子詹事周舍,请制名字,舍因为立名为文育,字景德。命兄子弘让教之书计。弘让阅读下面题目,判断正误, 请在不改变句子意思的前提下, 改正其中的错误部分。(1) Franco is a doctor in New York City. He has one week off every August on the summer holiday.(2) Last Summer he decided to take the trip to(3) San Francisco. He didn't want to go on air. He(4) really wanted to see the United States, and he decided(5) to take the train from New York for San Francisco.(6) For five days, Franco didn't get on the train. He(7) often takes long walks through the train and(8) talked with the another passengers.(9) Finally at 2:45 p. m. in Friday, the train stopped(10) in San Francisco. Franco was happy to get off the train and had a good visit there.
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