
It was at 6 a.m.that I arrived in the hospital kitchen.“Hi, I’m Janet.” I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew that it was   1    to work with Rose. Rose, a middle-aged woman, stopped what she was doing and   2    me over her glasses.I could tell from her expression that she wasn’t   3    to see a student worker. “What do you want me to do?   4    the coffee?” Rose   5    and went away.I filled the pot with cold water and began making coffee when Rose suddenly   6    and took over, “That’s not the   7    to make cof《姓氏起源》一书对“宋”姓的起源解释:周武王克商灭纣,建立周朝,封微子启(商王后裔)于商丘,建立宋国,共传36代,亡于楚国。宋亡国后,原王公之族散居各地,以原国“宋”为姓,乃成宋姓。从宋姓起源不能得出的历史信息是 A.周礼维护中央集权统治                 B.诸侯争霸导致宋亡国 C.周朝实行分封制                       D.反映早期政治制度特点
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