
第三部:阅读理解  (共两节,满分40分) 第一节:阅读短文(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)      About 4 years ago, as a newly appointed general manager for a chemical plant near Toronto, I was faced with several leadership challenges. When I was first appointed as acting general manager, the plant was not even covering its costs and I was told that it would either be turned around or else!      I met with all employees and explained the severity(严峻)of the situation and that we would all need to do what we could to increse sales and improve perf2.如图所示,从地面上同一位置抛出两小球A、B,分别落在地面上的M、N 点,两球运动的最大高度相同. 空气阻力不计,则(  )A.B的加速度比A的大B.B的飞行时间比A的长C.B在最高点的速度比A在最高点的速度大D.A、B两球落地时的速度大小相等
英语 试题推荐