
下列词语中加点字的读音全都正确的一项是 ( ) A.忖度(duó) 觇视(chān) 蜷曲(quán) 弹劾(hé) B.沉疴(kē) 游弋(yè) 噱头(xué) 悭吝(qiān) C.宿怨(sù) 饿殍(fú) 氤氲(yūn) 诠释(quān) D.租赁(lìn) 龟裂(jūn) 妊娠(chēn) 折本(shé) 答案:A 解析: B游弋(yì) C饿殍(piǎo) 诠释(quán) D妊娠(shēn)词语运用 用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确,通顺。每词限用一次。 relax, watch, between . Can. Oneself, spend, learn, friend, dad, channel My hobby is watching TV. It becomes an important part of my life. I 1. two hours a day watching TV. When lying on the sofa and clicking the remote control(遥控器). I feel quite 2. .Sometimes , I even wish I3. be a couch potato(电视迷) all my life. I began to watch TV in my childhood, and soon I lost 4. in it . Because I could keep balance 5. my hobby and my schoolwork, my parents didn`t insist that I turn off the TV. My favorite 6. is Discovery and my favorite show is about history . I have 7._______ many things from it, and it even becomes and affair (事情). That I can share with my 8. When I feel upset, watching a variety of shows ca make my 9. disappear. I will keep 10. .TV and learning things from it. TV is not only a tool to make my life colorful, but also a friend to accompany(陪伴) me by my side.
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