
These days, when about 10.3 million Americans are jobless and countless more worry they will be, lovers of yoga(瑜珈)are eager to keep peace by twisting their bodies.     “People want to do something relaxing and physically active. My experience is that attendance in classes has gone significantly up in the past few months,” said yoga instructor David, who turned to teaching yoga when his advertising jobs dried up in the recession       (不景气)of 2001.He admitted his private customers have fallen off a bit, but generally, my long-term private clients are financially 15、下列文学常识错误的一项是 A.我国文学史上向来以“风”“骚”并称,“风”就是指《诗经》中的“国风”民歌,“骚”就是指屈原的代表作《离骚》;“风”是我国古代现实主义诗歌的源头,“骚”则是我国古代浪漫主义诗歌的源头。 B.古诗分为古体诗和近体诗两大类,近体诗根据每首诗诗句的多少,分为“律诗”、“绝句”和“排律”,律诗限定为八句,绝句限定为四句,按字数律诗分为“五律”和“七律”,绝句也分为“五绝”和“七绝”。 C.李白和杜甫分别代表了中国诗歌两种风格的高峰。白居易是唐代古文运动的倡导者,他主张“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”。著有《白氏长庆集》。 D.词从派别上分,有豪放派和婉约派,前者气势豪放,意境雄浑,代表词人有苏轼、辛弃疾;后者语言清丽含蓄,词中所抒之情婉转缠绵,多写个人遭遇、男女恋情,代表词人为柳永、李清照等。
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