河北省武邑中学2015-2016学年高二下学期暑假作业考试试题 Word版含答案之二十九

1. 详细信息

World Power

Author(s): Kaplan $13.95

 You’ll never be at a loss for words again.Energize your vocabulary with must-know everyday words that are the essentials of a good vocabulary, eagaging

lessons to help you use words in text, hot words often found on tests, tips to help you figure out new words, roots, and more.

Grades:8 & up Ages:13& up

World Smart Junior

Author(s): Russell Stauffer $17.95

Now this is the way to add new words to your vocabulary! World Smart Junior will make you laugh so much.You”ll be amazed that you”ve just learned more than 120 fascinating and very useful words! Parents, teachers,and friends will be surprised at your eloquence(口才)!

Grades:3—5 Ages: 8—10

Grammar Smart Junior

Author(s): Marcia Reynolds $16.85

Do you quake when your teacher says,”Now it’s time for grammar?”Do you verbs agree with your subjects ?

Fear no more! A big Hollwood producer and a famous movie star will help you learn all those masty(讨厌) elements of grammmar. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you learn, and how much fun it can be.You’ll be finally know your grammar backwards and forwards and you’ll never have to worry about it again.

Grades:7—9 Ages: 12—14

Grammar Smart: An Audio Guide to Perfect Usage

 Author(s): Julian Fleisher  $12.68

The words you use a lot about you but the way you put them together says even more. Your grammar makes an immediate and lasting impression on your teachers,and even your friends. Som don’t make the mistake of thinking that grammar is too complicated. We’ve created Grammar Smart to help you write and speak with clarity(清晰) and confidence.

Grades:6—8  Ages: 11--13 

1. If a-ten-old boy wants himself to be admired because of his speech ability, he may buy_______.

A. World Power

B. World Smart Junior

C. Grammar Smart Junior

D. Grammar Smart: An Audio Guide to Perfect Usage

2.  By saying“You’ll be finally know your grammar backwards and forwards” the writer“____

AYou will be clearly familiar with grammar

BYou will know the history of grammmar

CYou will know the make-up of grammmar

DYou will learn about the future of grammar

3.  The four books are all about______.

     A. fiction and mysteries                B. Parenting and teaching

     C. literature and arts                   D. Language study

2. 详细信息

I fell in love with England because it was quaint (古雅) — all those little houses, looking terribly old-fashioned but nice, like dolls’ houses. I loved the countryside and the pubs, and I loved [Z-X-X-K]London. I’ve slightly changed my mind after seventeen years because I think it’s an ugly town now.

Things have changed. For everybody, England meant gentlemen, fair play, and good manners. The fair play is going, unfortunately, and so are the gentlemanly attitudes and good manners — people shut doors heavily in your face and politeness is disappearing.[Z-x-x-k.Com]

I regret that there are so few comfortable meeting places. You’re forced to live indoors. In Paris I go out much more, to restaurants and nightclubs. To meet friends here it usually has to be in a pub, and it can be difficult to go there alone as a woman. The cafés are not terribly nice.

As a woman, I feel unsafe here. I spend a bomb (a lot of money) on taxis because I will not take public transport after 10 pm. I used to use it, but now I’m afraid.

The idea of family seems to be more or less non-existent in England. My family is well united and that’s typically French. In Middlesex I had a neighbor who is 82 now. His family only lived two miles away, but I took him to France for Christmas once because he was always alone.

4The writer doesn’t like London because she _________.

A. is not used to the life there now

B. has lived there for seventeen years

C. prefers to live in an old-fashioned house

D. has to be polite to everyone she meets there

5Where do people usually meet their friends in England?

A. In a café.            B. In a pub.

 C. In a nightclub.        D. In a restaurant.

6The underlined part “it” (in para. 4) refers to_________.

A. public transport       B. the money

C. a bomb              D. a taxi

7The writer took her neighbor to France for Christmas because he _________.

A. was from a typical French family   B. had never been to France

C. felt lonely in England                       D. didn’t’t like the British idea of family

3. 详细信息

    A young person is said to have a behavior disorder when his or her behavior is noticeably different from that expected in the school or community. This can also be stated in simpler terms as a child who is not doing what adults want him to do at a particular time. Children with this disorder often seem to be behaving in different and socially unacceptable ways.

    Like learning disabilities, behavior disorders are hard to diagnose. There are no physical symptoms in the body that are observable or measurable. Behavior disorders are therefore identified by observing behavior patterns in the child over a period of time. If a child displays some of the following behaviors, he may be labeled with a behavior disorder:

    ◆ Aggression and cruelty to people and animals.

    ◆ Destruction of property — defacing or damaging things.

    ◆ Little sympathy and concern for others.

    ◆ Takes no responsibility for behavior. Also lies, cheats and steals easily.

    ◆ Disregards rules and regulations.

    In addition to these general symptoms of a behavior disorder, there are other symptoms characteristic of more specific behavior disorders such as ADHD — this is the inattentive, can’t-sit-still behavior. The attention can’t last long and the behavior is impulsive at times. The child also seems quite distracted and forgetful.

     Behavior disorders come from brain injury, child abuse, and shock, etc. There have also been indications that it could be a genetic disorder. The behavior therefore is an involuntary response to these experiences and the child should not be blamed for his behavior. Since the child has problems controlling his behavior, it stands to reason that his performance in school will be affected. A child with a behavior disorder will feel bad about himself and that low self-esteem will be further worsened by the adults around him who do not treat his condition with understanding and willingness to help.

     Behavior disorders are best dealt with by behavior and psychological treatments. But, as with learning disabilities, accurate diagnosis is important and this must be over a length of time. It is also important in trying to modify the behavior to be clear about what is the behavior you are expecting. Make sure it is a rational expectation. For example, expecting a three-year-old to sit quietly through a long church service may not be reasonable, or demanding that a six-year-old does extra home work after a long day of school and extra curricular activities may be stretching the child’s concentration and attention too far. Since some behavior disorders result from shocking and upsetting life experiences or brain injury, treatments should include helping the child to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience. The behavior could be corrected through emotional healing. In other words, when a human being is emotionally healthy, that is, can be aware of his intelligence and enthusiasm for life and his loving connectedness to other human beings, he automatically “behaves” rationally.

                      Title: Behaviour Disorders

Passage outline

Supporting (28)   ▲  

Definition of a behaviour disorder

A person may be considered to have a behaviour disorder when he  behaves apparently (29)   ▲   from others.

Symptoms of a behavior disorder

Being (30)   ▲   and showing no mercy to animals and other people

Tending to do damage to things around him

Having little sympathy or concern for others

Failing to (31)   ▲  for what he has done and not being honest

Lacking the awareness of (32)   ▲   rules and regulations

Having difficulty concentrating on something for long

Factors (33)   ▲   in behaviour disorders

Some outside forces may lead to a behaviour disorder.

A genetic disorder giving 34)   ▲   to a behaviour disorder has also been found.

Ways to deal with behaviour disorders

Behaviour treatment: diagnosing such a disorder (35)   ▲    and modifying the disordered behaviour in a rational way.

Psychological treatment: attaching importance to improving the patient’s emotional (36)   ▲  , thus, developing a proper self-esteem.


   A behaviour disorder isn’t nearly (37)   ▲   to diagnose from physical symptoms, but it can be dealt with in behaviour and psychological ways.

4. 详细信息

On a sunny spring morning, a seven-year-old girl was sharpening() a beautiful pencil. 8 , the wind was so strong as to blow open the door. The girl stood up to  9  it, but then fell on the floor. The sharpened pencil pierced (刺入) directly into the girl’s chest into her heart, and only a small part of the pencil could be seen.

The girl’s mother was so  10  that she dialed the emergency number and put the girl flat on her back. The girl  11  and asked her mother to pull the pencil out of her heart  12  it was particularly painful. The mother hesitated for a while but  13  her daughter. She told her daughter not to pull out the pencil without her permission.

In the end, the girl was  14   successfully! She had a very serious  15  but she didn’t lose too much blood. If the pencil were pulled out, the blood would have poured out from the wound, and doctors couldn’t have saved her!     16  , the measures taken by her    17  were totally correct.

The mother’s comments afterwards were quite    18  : “I really didn’t know what to do. My daughter was especially obedient (听话的) and she    19    my decision not to pull out the pencil. I knew she was in great pain, and her obedience was what I     20   . I thought if I had pulled out the pencil, she would have believed she was    21    and might fall asleep and lose consciousness (意识). In the emergency vehicle, I simply kept asking her if it was    22    . She nodded her head, which gave me great    23    because she was conscious and still felt pain. She was struggling for__24____.

In the world, there are so many people struggling with different   25   . When you are trapped in wild mountains, when you come across setbacks and hardships, and when you have no other way but to experience the pain by yourself, _26___ask yourself.”Am I in pain?“ When we feel the pain, we’ll have the courage to try our best to_ 27__and never give up. 

8. A. Naturally         B. Finally              C. Suddenly            D. Personally

9. A. look              B. push               C. repair              D. close

10. A. annoyed         B. anxious              C. puzzled            D. disappointed

11. A. struggled        B. complained          C. jumped             D. escaped

12. A. if               B. because            C. once              D. unless

13. A. looked on        B. discussed with       C. smiled at           D. disagreed with

14. A. saved           B. controlled           C. inspired            D. accepted

15. A. injury           B. mistake             C. discussion          D. destination

16. A. Otherwise           B. Instead                   C. Though                   D. Thus

17. A. friend                 B. teacher                   C. doctor                  D. mother

18. A. challenging          B. surprising            C. exciting                D. worrying

19. A. made                  B. changed                 C. followed                  D. recognized

20. A. realized            B. promised                C. respected                D. needed

21. A. safe                    B. tired                       C. brave                    D. lucky

22. A. thankful                   B. painful                    C. powerful              D. careful

23. A. courage              B. comfort                  C. freedom                  D. hope

24. A. life                          B. glory                      C. peace                     D. power

25.A. techniques           B. qualities                  C. difficulties              D. performances

26. A. still                     B. just                        C. again                      D. even

27. A. laugh                 B. explain                   C. survive                   D. relax

5. 详细信息

A rich man was near death and was very upsetHe had worked so hard for his money

(38)_______ he dreamt he could take it with him to heavenSo he(39)_______ (pray) to God his dream would come true

An angel appeared and said noThe man begged the angel to speak to God to see (40)_______ he might break the rulesThe angel reappeared and said that God could permit him to take one suitcase(41)_______ (excite)the man gathered his suitcase and filled it with pure gold barsAfterwardhe died and showed up in heaven to greet StPeter(42)_______ (see) the suitcaseStPeter said“Hold(43)_______you can’t bring that here!”The man explained that he had God’s (44)________________ (permit) . StPeter checked it out and said“You are rightYou are allowed(45) _______ suitcasebut I'm supposed to check its contents(46)_______letting it through.”  Inspecting the things that the man found too(85)precious 47_______ (leave) behind,  StPeter exclaimed“You brought pavement? As you can see , the street of heaven is made of gold!”

6. 详细信息






Two years before, I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car. Unfortunate, I had an accident

and hit another car, and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week. I called my

parents, so I did not tell them what had happened. I knew that they will be worried about

myself because I was so farther away, and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.

Therefore, I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil. As a result, nobody

knew truth. I still think that it was the right thing to do.