
A degree can be a valuable virtue for increasing your income. However, the job market for the highest paying jobs is also extremely competitive. If you are a new member into those job markets, without job experience to match your education, a degree will not help you get a job. Fortunately, the majority of job openings in 2013 do not require a degree. This includes many of the most reliable employment opportunities in the fastest growing fields. Degrees are not required to work as a personal care assistant or home health assistant, both among the fastest growing occupations in the US t小丽在她的游记中写道:“烈日下,成群的斑马悠闲地在草原上散步,不远处有几只幼狮围在母狮周围嬉戏。”日记中的地区应在(  )A. 撒哈拉沙漠 B. 非洲的东非高原C. 俄罗斯西伯利亚平原 D. 中国内蒙古高原
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