
in terms of; in need of; apart from; take... for...; pass...off; fade out; shelter from; take down; hold up; deal with 1. There is rarely any attempt to ________ these copies ________as originals. 2. Will all those in favour________ the right hand? 3. We sat in the shade,  ________the sun. 4. Have you any concrete thoughts on how to________ this difficulty? 5. The idea seemed to ________ and the club was never formed. 6. She carefully________ my name and phone number in her book. 7.  ________their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. 8. I won't tell her the secret-what 如图是关节结构模式图,识图并分析回答下列问题:(1)运动时减少两骨之间摩擦的是[ ] .(2)运动时若不小心用力过猛,常会造成[ ] 从[ ] 中脱落出来的脱臼现象.(3)关节炎是一种常见病,患者关节肿胀疼痛,是因为[ ] 中存有大量积液.(4)[ ] 的主要作用是:包围整个关节,把相邻的两骨牢固的连接.(5)骨的运动要靠 牵拉,当它受到 传来的刺激收缩时,就会牵动着骨绕着 活动,在运动中起动力作用.
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