
A good laugh is like a mild workout. It exercises the muscles, gets the blood flowing, decreases blood pressure and improves sleep patterns and the immune system.__36__ ·Don’t take life too seriously. We all have obstacles in life and we all make mistakes.__37__ In fact, if you can laugh light­heartedly at your own fault, you’ll find that you give yourself that extra happiness and confidence increase that can get you over any obstacle. ·Find the humor in a bad situation. Sure, there are some situations where you are really sad.__38__ The next time you feel the stress levels risi以下几个实验现象中,能说明声音产生条件的实验现象是A.放在钟罩内的闹钟正在响铃,把钟罩内的空气抽走一些以后,铃声明显减小  B.使正在发声的音叉接触水面,水面溅起水花  C.吹笛子时,手指按住不同的孔便会发出不同的声音  D.把正在发声的收音机密封在塑料袋内,然后放入水里,人们仍能听到收音机发出的声音
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