
书面表达礼物赠送是生活的一部分,不同国家在这方面的风俗不同。请根据表格内容,写一篇介绍礼物赠送的短文,可以适当发挥。词数不少于80,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Gift GivingCountriesGiftsJapanspecial gift, aren’t opened, be given away to someone elseCanadanot give big gifts, pay for a park bench or a tree to remember a personAmericaexpensive gifts won’t do, dinner, sporting eventSwedendo something for someone is the best gift, not spend too much money, make a meal        Gift giving is a part of life. It is differ有关氧族元素的叙述正确的是(    )A.氧族的非金属单质都是强氧化剂           B.H2S还原性比H2Se弱C.H2SO4的酸性比H2TeO4弱                D.氧气的氧化性比硫强
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