
Don’t know what to watch together with your family? Here are some best TV shows that you can enjoy together with your whole family.      The Brady Bunch Starring: Robert Reed. Florence Henderson, Ann B. Davis Main plot : The union of Mike Brady and his three boys with Carol Martin and her three girls — with the addition of housekeeper Alice, of course — results in a typical ordinary American family.           Why it is good: It shows that while life in a big family isn’t always easy, it’s always full of love.The Wonder Years Starring: Fred Savage, Dan Lauria, Danie 如图,四边形ABCD是边长为2的正方形,△ABE为等腰三角形,AE=BE,平面ABCD⊥平面ABE,点F在CE上,且BF⊥平面ACE. (1)证明:平面ADE⊥平面BCE; (2)求点D到平面ACE的距离.
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