
20.在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过l5个字。 微博没有传统媒体“守门人”过滤、垄断信息的特权,而且门槛很低,①       。但是由于人们大多使用匿名,②               ,于是微博从开始时,虚假信息就一直是一个被人诟病的方面。与此同时,由于短小精悍,微博往往只有论点而缺少论证,似乎只需要情绪化的语言打动人,③           ,这就造成微博里客观18、根据下面的对话内容,填出恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理、结构完整。 A:____1___? B:Yes.I want to ____2____ some tickets for the concert next week. A:How many tickets do you want? B:Three. A:___3____ performance(表演)do you like,Friday evening or Sunday afternoon? B:Sunday afternoon will be fine. A:Let me see.Ah,there happens to be ____4____ tickets left for Sunday's concert. B:That's fine.I'll take them all.How much are they? A:30 dollars each,90 dollars in all. B:Here is 100 dollars. A:OK.____5____,your tickets and the change. B:Thank you.
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