
If money comes and goes without good planning, you are likely to live _________. So it is important for you to ______ at the beginning of a year, budgeting for daily expenditure, budgeting for education and the like.     A. on a tight budget; make a budget          B. in a tight budge; budget     C. for a tight budget; have a budget          D. by a budget; plan a budget    我国部分地区家庭使用的暖瓶的瓶胆,使用不长时间壁上就会形成很厚的水垢,其主要成份是CaCO3与Mg(OH)2,这说明该地区的水中含有较多的________,这种水叫________水,通过________可降低水的硬度;如果用稀盐酸除去上述水垢,则反应方程式为________________.
英语 试题推荐