
 If the wound______ become infected, do not hesitate to call me. A. shall         B. must                     C. should                     D. would 答案:C4.Wang Gang:Hello,Zhang Lin!(6)BZhang Lin:Well,on Monday afternoon I usually go to the reading room or the library,where I borrow some interesting books and magazines.Wang Gang:What other activities do you take part in?Zhang Lin:Every Friday afternoon we have an English party.(7)ADo you like films,Wang Gang?Wang Gang:Sure.(8)GZhang Lin:Yes,of course.I think City Lights will be on.Wang Gang:I like the film but I have already seen it twice.(9)EZhang Lin:Oh,there are ball games and matches nearly every week.You can also join the different groups.Wang Gang:That's interesting.(10)FZhang Lin:Me,too.Let's go and choose our preference. A.Sometimes we watch English films.B.What do you usually do after class?C.Nice to meet you here.D.I also love foreign films.E.What about sports and games?F.I really should join one.G.Will there be one this week?
英语 试题推荐