
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building, a group of students were talking about the exam that was going to begin in a few   41  .On their faces was confidence(信心).This was their   42   exam—then they would graduate and begin to work. Some talked of jobs they already had, others talked of jobs they   43  get. With the certainty of four years of college, th 依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 ①要彻底解决造假售假的丑恶现象,就必须下决心________滋生这一现象的社会土壤。 ②这幅画是我在大学读书时恩师________的,多年来,虽四海漂泊,但我一直珍藏着它。 ③“综合”科考试,它________三学科的简单相加,而是要体现不同学科间的有机联系。 [  ] A.铲除  惠赠  不是 B.根除  馈赠  不只是 C.根除  惠赠  不是 D.铲除  馈赠  不只是
英语 试题推荐