
 任务型阅读After dinner, Lisa’s cousins, Anna and Jenny, are still at her house. Lisa is cleaning the room. Anna is looking for an interesting TV show. (A)Jenny is reading newspapers. She is reading the information(信息)about movies. She wants to go to the movies. (B)现在她正和Lisa和Anna谈论这个话题。 Jenny: Girls, what do you want to do tonight? Anna: Do you like going to the movies? Jenny: Yes, I often go to the movies. Lisa: Well, let’s go to the movies. Jenny: There is a good movie today. It’s Astro Boy. Lisa: Great. It’s a very successful movie. Anna:2008年9月25日21时10分04秒,我国航天事业又迎来一个历史性时刻,我国自行研制的神舟七号载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。9月27日16时34分,在发射升空43个小时后,中国航天员开始了中国人第一次舱外活动,16时41分,随着翟志刚进入太空,中国航天员首次太空行走正式开始。太空行走共进行了19分35秒。已知神舟七号飞船运行在高度约330公里的近圆轨道上,地球半径R=6370km,g=10m/s2,试估算翟志刚太空行走的路程约为(     )A.8100kmB.9100kmC.10100kmD.11100km
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