
56. It is interested to visit another country.                                                      57. Learning a foreign language is one of the best way.                                  58. But sometimes there is some problems.                                   59. Because of in a strange country we may not know where to eat.                    60. Why not visiting her this week?                              61.The teacher tol质点是理想化的物理模型,下列有关质点的说法中正确的是 ( )A.研究车轮的转动时,车轮可当作质点B.研究月球绕地球运动时,月球可当作质点C.研究跳水运动员在空中的翻滚动作,跳水运动员可当作质点D.乒乓球很小,所以在任何情况下都可当作质点
英语 试题推荐