
    I am glad to learn what you are coming to China and will stay at my home.My parents and I are very pleasing to have you with US.Now let me to tell you how we have arranged for you.I know the school would organic a 1ot of things for you to do in the morning,but in the afternoon, I ‘11 show you around and take you to some place of interest.We’11 most stay at home in the evening watching TV,playing games,and meeting people. I'm sure we’ll  have wonderful time and enjoy each others company.I'm looking forward very much to meet you soon.6.题目:时间都去哪儿了要求:600 字左右的记叙文,其余按中考作文要求①题目自拟。②文体不限。③文中的人名、地名、单位名一律用“××”代 替。④不得抄袭。⑤作文题目写在第一行居中,下面空一行,第三行开始写正文。⑥不少于 500 字,最多写满格。
英语 试题推荐