
John and Tim are very popular in Jason Middle School. They are not only good at studying, but also good at playing sports. Kay and Sue are talking about them.Kay: Hello. Sue!Sue: Hi. Kay!Kay: 【小题1】____________Sue: No. No one has told me about the match.  【小题2】_____________  Kay: Although the opposing(对抗的) team was strong, our school won at last. Sue: 【小题3】 _____________ They are really good basketball players.Kay: Yes. They can play basketball better than others because they practice much more. I always see them practicing on the playground in the gym and so如图所示.用一根长杆和两个定滑轮的组合装置用来提升重物,长杆的一端放在地上通过铰链联结形成转轴,其端点恰好处于左侧滑轮正下方点处,在杆的中点处拴一细绳,通过两个滑轮后挂上重物.点与点距离为,现在杆的另一端用力.使其逆时针匀速转动,由竖直位置以角速度转至水平(转过了90°角).此过程中下述说法正确的是  A.重物作匀速直线运动    B.重物作匀变速直线运动 C.重物的最大速度是   D.重物的速度先减小后增大
英语 试题推荐