
下列各项中书写有误的一项是【  】 A、成分 一份饭 宽幅  一幅画 B、副经理 一副对联 幅度 副业 C、浑金璞玉  鱼目浑珠  浑日子  浑浊 D、一触即发 既成事实 戒骄戒躁 矫健 答案:C 解析: 鱼目混珠 完形填空。      I have two friends.  1  names are Lucy and Lily. They  2  from Canada. They  3  English. My English is poor. They often help me  4  English at home. I help them  5  their Chinese. We help  6  other. They are twins(双胞胎). They  7  the same. We are in the same grade, but we are in different  8 . I like  9  and they like me. They have a pet. It is a cat.  10  name is Mimi. We like it very much. (     )1. A. Your (     )2. A. live (     )3. A. say  (     )4. A. study(     )5. A. at   (     )6. A. every(     )7. A. look (     )8. A. grade(     )9. A. they (     )10. A. It  B. Our        B. live in    B. speak      B. to studyingB. in         B. one        B. like       B. class      B. them       B. Its        C. They     C. come     C. tell     C. studying C. with     C. each     C. have     C. classes  C. their    C. His      D. Their   D. comes   D. think   D. studies D. and     D. very    D. know    D. school                 D. theirs  D. Hers   
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