
       The art of growing dwarf trees,or “bonsai’’(盆景)as their Japanese creators call them,is increasing in popularity in the United States.Growing bonsai can make a fascinating hobby for anyone who enjoys plants and creating beautiful effects with them. 36          In growing bonsai,first,one must be careful in choosing the type of tree,as the growing conditions are unusual.           37   Varieties of pines with small needles and hardwood trunks are especially suitable.        38   This is necessary because the major growth of bonsai is 下列句子与"北京立交桥类型多种多样"类型相同的一句是: ( ) A南充地区气候温和多雨。  B鲁迅先生思想成熟的一个重要标志。 C我们的脚下仿佛轻松起来。 D火车开动了。 句子成分
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