
RUN FOR A BETTER LIFE The sport of running offers many advantages.First, it is a great way to get in shape.It also helps relieve stress, gives you more energy, and makes you proud of what you are accomplishing.Most runners are happy with just these few items: ◇ A comfortable pair of running shoes that has good arch and ankle support and allows your feet to breathe properly. ◇ A good quality stopwatch such as Penta, ATLAS, or LifeTime. ◇ A water bottle. If you are a beginner, try following these steps: 1.Walk slowly for 30 minutes. 2.Add short running sessions (期间读下图,回答下列各题。【1】若甲洋流所处的纬度是30°,则洋流可能为(   )A. 加利福尼亚寒流B. 日本暖流C. 巴西暖流D. 西澳大利亚寒流【2】若甲洋流的性质属于暖流,则甲洋流可能为(  )A. 日本暖流 B. 墨西哥湾暖流C. 阿拉斯加暖流 D. 索马里暖流【3】若图中的海洋是太平洋,当甲洋流远离海岸且沿岸的水温异常升高时,下列描述组合正确的是(  )①澳大利亚东部出现严重的旱灾②秘鲁渔场大幅度减产 ③太平洋东岸地区出现洪涝灾害④此现象称为拉尼娜现象A. ①②④ B. ①③④ C. ①②③ D. ②③④
英语 试题推荐