
Weekend one –day out A walk along the Great Wall Beijing Hikers is organizing a hike in a village along the Great Wall in Changping District, north of downtown Beijing. The walk will take around three hours covering a distance of 10 kilometres. Time:8:30 a.m~4:30 p.m,Dec,4 Cost:200 yuan(US$25) per adult, 150 yuan ((US$18.5)for under~12s. Meeting place:8:30 a.m. in front of Satarbucks at Lido Holiday Inn, Jiangtai Lu To sign-up(one day before the hike)and more information ,contact Huijie at 139 100 5516. Skiing and hot springs Cycle China plans a day’s skiing fun at a resort around Beijing 5、下列词语中加点字的读音,全部正确的一组是 A.罡风(gāng)         吮吸(sǔn)         惘然(wǎng)    茕茕孑立(qióng) B.悚然(sǒng)         起碇(dìng)        扁舟(biǎn)        针砭时弊(biān) C.缱绻(quǎn)         淅沥(xī)    殷切(yīn)          含英咀华(jǔ) D.黜恶(chù)          攻讦(jié)           苗裔(yí)           潜移默化(qián) 评卷人 得分 二、填空题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
英语 试题推荐